Soldiers and Flag #101

War Art A #104

Feldherrenhalle Rally #102

War Art B #105

Hitler Painting # 103

Brandenberg Gate #107

Prices for posters:

3 posters for $25
All posters for $10 each

add $10 for shipping—any amount

NS Publications

PO Box 188
Wyandotte MI



Michigan residents add 6% sales tax.
Shipping charges for all US orders: $10
Non-US customers please contact us for exact amount.
Non-US customers assume full responsibility
for receipt of any items prohibited in their countries.

Unless otherwise indicated,most posters are approximately 18" x 24" ; some posters come from Europe, and are considered size "A-2", which is approximately 420mm x 594mm, or 16.54 x 23.39
