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Confrontation of Our Age." Reprint of the German original. 712p-hc $45

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Myth of the Twentieth Century Rosenberg — A must have compendium to Mein Kampf. Alfred Rosenberg became National Socialism's leading ideologist, a role given official recognition by Adolf Hitler in 1934. The author of numerous political and philosophical writings besides The Myth of The Twentieth Century, Rosenberg was an uncompromising foe to every tendency — whether racial, religious, political, or philosophical — which he judged to be alien or opposed to the Nordic, Germanic soul. It was for this, more than for any alleged crimes during his ministry over the occupied East, that Rosenberg was condemned and hanged in Nuremberg in 1946. 470p-sc with index $45

Der Mythus des XX. Jahrhunderts: Eine Wertung der seelisch-geistigen Gestaltenkampfe unserer Zeit by Alfred Rosenberg—
"The Myth of the 20th Century: An Evaluation of the Spiritual-Intellectual
Confrontation of Our Age." Reprint of the German original. 712p-hc $50

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The Republic Plato—This great classic work on governance by the best of a people, this book details—from a firmly anti-democratic standpoint—the measures needed to establish an authoritarian racial state. Find out how National Socialist philosophers were so enthusiastic about this visionary work and why it makes liberals so nervous. Are we ready for Plato's philosopher-king? Stimulating. 315p-sc $20

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